CTSMA Spirit of Giving

2012 CTSMA Spirit of Giving Charities
New London Chapter held a very successful Holiday Coat Drive to benefit the CT Dept. of Children and Family Services of Norwich. Over 120 coats and 75 sets of hats, gloves, and scarfs were collect and donated to this great organization. Thank you to all that helped and donated to the Coat Drive.

53rd CTSMA Annual State Educational Conference CTSMA Spirit of Giving Dress Down Friday Charity was Malta House. Over $900 was collected during the conference for this great organization. To find out more about Malta House click on the Malta House logo.
After the devastation the Tri-State area endured, many donations were collected and donated to Salvation Army from the CTSMA members. Thank to all that donated items to help the victims from Hurricane Sandy.
Adopt A Family from the Susan B. Anthony Project.
The Litchfield Chapter goal was reached and a family was able to have an unforgettable Christmas because of the very generous donations from the Litchfield Chapter.
Thank you to all members for their donations.